Monday, March 28, 2011

Did you know?

  • Signage is the least expensive but most effective form of advertising.
  • Signage can be responsible for half of your customers - that’s right, 50 percent!
  • Signage is so important that without it you may not get a loan for your business.
  • Signage is an investment that will pay a return many times over.
  • A well-designed, well-placed sign can generate huge profits, especially when part of an overall marketing strategy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

From mega-store illuminated channel letters and stadium signs to interior and magnetic signs, Signal Signs designs and manufactures custom signs for national corporations and local businesses. Our capabilities include:

bulletShopping Center PylonsbulletFreestanding Signs
bulletCustom Graphics & LogosbulletPost & Panel Signs
bulletBannersbulletSand Blasted Signs
bulletCabinetsbulletMagnetic Signs
bulletVehicle LetteringbulletMonument Signs
bulletWindow LetteringbulletNeon Signs
bulletChannel LettersbulletInterior Signs
bulletDimensional Letters


We are working on the blog as you read!